My son Hayden and I have taken the Key West to Dry Tortugas ferry and camped out a couple of times. It's a fun trip when the weather is nice; snorkling off the moat around the fort, walking the seawall, strolling through the fort itself. Fish Camper Fred Wheeler started this ferry service in '96 I think. He's doing something else now:

Anyway, check out the progress that the ocean is making to reclaim the old coaling pier. The photo on the left is from June, 1972. Randy Mahan caught that Barracuda, not me, but I didn't mind posing with it. (It wouldn't hit anything until we caught and fed it a needlefish from the dock). The picture on the right is June, 2009. Compare the crack in the coaling pier in 1972 and the angle that the top edge of the pier now makes, visibly heading back into the water. Hayden's not standing on anything, he's just that much taller.