Monday, May 11, 2009

'It's When you Stop Worrying about the Ocean that it'll Get you'

I realized there were some stories I received by email, and while I'd love everyone to figure out how to post on this blog, not everyone's going to do it, so I thought I'd better include some of the stories I get from email.

Hey Chad,
I don't know if you remember me, but you were one of those people who made a lasting impression on me. I was a Fish Camper for two years, then later, a junior counselor. The incident that comes to mind in particular was thus: The Allman was out of duty, as Massimino brought his 18' 'tri-bow' hull into play. Mass gave us his warnings and blessings and off we went through Tavernier Creek and into the blue water. I said to you with the open ocean before us, "wow, it's beautiful, we don't have anything to worry about." Your reply was profound: "It's when you stop worrying about her (the ocean) when she'll get you." Well we went well offshore. I was 16 and I think you were 17 and we had six twelve year olds as campers on board. We trolled our way around, had lost sight of the other boat. We were out in the shipping lanes. Storm clouds were gathering and you made the decision to pull in lines and head in. As you put the engine in neutral and lines were pulled in, a big mahi mahi hit Benji the Mexican kid's line. He landed it, just as storm broke over us. Benji starts crying. You took the helm and drove us through storm, with all the rest of us cuddled behind the center console, as the rain felt like buck shot. We were on a collision course with a steaming freighter. I remember you saying should you go for it, meaning in front of it, and save time, or not? You decided not too. We were just a few yards away as it passed us by. Once astern, you put the throttle into gear, and two seconds later, literally dead astern, we ran out of gas! Never will I forget those profound words you spoke earlier in the day. I've often thought of them and told this story to many people in my life. Do you remember it? Frankly, never contemplated the internet and never thought I'd have the chance to share this with you, but glad I'm now having chance. Hope all is well with you. I'm married with two boys (21 & 22) they went to Sea Camp further down the Keys. Not quite as adventurous as Fish Camp, but as close as to be found these days. Was in contact with Rob Mahan for a few years, quite a number of years ago now, when he worked right across the street from me here in New York. Spoke with Jere Pitman earlier this year, as business travel had me in Jacksonville for the first time since 1978. I was actually at a business function at the Breakers in Palm Beach this week, and went fishing. We caught a
bunch of amberjack and bonita which my wife and I released. Still have yet to be on a boat that caught a bill fish. Someday maybe. Thanks for the memories!
Ben Katzenstein.
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